Plan ahead
- Be sure you get several good nights’ sleep in the week before your road trip. Decide how far you’ll go each day and where you’ll take breaks along the way. Stopping to see something interesting can make a holiday journey fun.
Avoid driving at high-risk times
You’re more likely to be affected by fatigue if you drive:
between midnight and 6am
between 1pm and 3pm, when many of us have an energy ‘slump’
during the hours when you would normally be asleep.
On the road
Share driving if you can. Stop regularly every couple of hours for a refreshing break out of the car. Don’t think you can beat driver fatigue by drinking caffeinated drinks, winding down the windows or playing loud music.
Keep alert
Eat light and often, and avoid big meals of sugary or fatty food, which can sap your energy. Drink lots of water to keep hydrated – this will help keep you alert. If you’re a front seat passenger stay awake. You can play a vital role in helping your driver stay alert.
What should you do if you feel tired?
If you feel drowsy or are struggling to concentrate, STOP. Don’t ‘hang on until you get there’. If you can, switch drivers or have a 20 minute ‘power nap’. It’s important you don’t sleep for longer than 20 minutes or you may go into deep sleep which can be hard to wake up from.
If you do stop to have a nap, Never Sleep in the driver seat – Don’t teach your body it’s ok to sleep in the driver’s seat.
Remember, if you’re tired, you shouldn’t be driving – you should be asleep!
wArning signs of driver fAtigue:
- Blinking frequently or yawning
- Missing road signs or intersections
- Slow reaction time