Unit Standards

Unit Standard Unit Standard
7456 Use mathematics to investigate and monitor the financial aspects of personal, business and national issues
7997 Managing self-development
8000 Apply basic business principles
8015 Executing general office administration
8016 Maintaining occupational health, safety and general housekeeping
8420 Operate in a team
9010 Demonstrate an understanding of the use of different number bases and measurement units and an awareness of error in the context of relevant calculations
9012 Investigate life and work related problems using data and probabilities
9013 Describe, apply, analyse and calculate shape and motion in 2-and 3-dimensional space in different contexts
10976 Convey livestock
12484 Perform basic fire fighting
13414 Conduct a financial analysis of a small business
15123 Select and use vehicle lifting equipment
110254 Understand chemical dependancy and apply personal health care
113852 Apply occupational health, safety and environmental principles
114891 Count stock for a stock-take
114941 Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific business sector and a workplace
115093 Control workplace hazardous substances
116231 Operate a cab controlled overhead crane
116235 Operate a pendant controlled overhead crane
116254 Operate a mobile crane
116534 Carry out basic first aid treatment in the workplace
117833 Handle a crime situation
117898 Move, pack and maintain stock in a distribution centre/warehouse
119362 Work with numbers; operations with numbers and relationships between numbers
119364 Evaluate and solve data handling and probability problems within given contexts
119368 Describe, interpret and represent mathematical patterns, functions and algebra in different contexts
119373 Describe and represent objects in terms of shape, space and measurement
119457 Interpret and use information from texts
119465 Write/present/sign texts for a range of communicative contexts
119466 Interpret a variety of literary texts
119467 Use language and communication in occupational learning programmes
119472 Accommodate audience and context needs in oral/signed communication
119567 Perform basic life support and first aid procedures
119631 Explore and use a variety of strategies to learn
119635 Engage in a range of speaking/signing and listening interactions for a variety of purposes
119640 Read/view and respond to a range of text types
119750 Inspect and lubricate an automotive system
120308 Apply knowledge of self in order to make a personal decision
120496 Provide risk-based primary emergency care/first aid in the workplace
123252 Provide long distance coach/bus services
123253 Operate a rigid heavy vehicle
123254 Operate a vehicle combination
123256 Provide commuter services
123257 Operate a rigid light vehicle
123258 Foster and maintain customer relations
123259 Convey dangerous goods by road
123260 Operate tailgates and tail-lifts
123261 Plan road transport service delivery
123262 Load general freight
242972 Operate advanced defined purpose lift trucks
242974 Operate counter-balanced lift truck
242981 Operate defined purpose lift trucks
242982 Operate heavy crane
243272 Operate a Mobile Elevating Work Platform (MEWP)
243664 Demonstrate safe behaviour as a road user
243665 Meet the requirements in order to obtain a provisional licence
243666 Meet the requirements of being a safe driver to obtain a valid driving licence for a motor vehicle
243838 Use and apply matrices and graphs to organise information and solve problems
244574 Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific business sector and a workplace
252244 Describe the impact of customer service on a business
252245 Load petroleum products in rail or road tankers
252249 Explain the role of transport logistics
252255 Utilise layout signs and signal communications in the transport industry
252261 Prepare freight for transportation
252264 Prepare freight for storage
252279 Explain occupational health and safety within the transport industry
253638 Sling and communicate during crane operations
254135 Apply the techniques for operating four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, in on-road and off-road conditions
254154 Apply advanced techniques for operating four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles in on-road and off-road conditions
259619 Conduct workplace Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) inspections
260762 Operate rough terrain/earthmoving/agricultural equipment
260781 Operate a telescopic boom handler
260818 Operate a counter balanced lift truck in excess of 15 tons
376480 Provide first aid as an advanced first responder
377201 Apply advanced driving skills: defensive driving
377220 Apply advanced driving skills: offensive driving